Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Well, I haven't updated in awhile, the only other blog I have is Tumblr and it's basically the one I go on, other than this. Which is once in awhile. But I figured I'd update a bit.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for FLORIDAAA! I'm excited. I can't believe it's finally here. Time goes by so, so fast. It's incredible. Sometimes I really dislike it. But I guess it's okay, since I'll probably enjoy myself a lot, being out there.

This trip is also a perfect opportunity for photography. I'm gonna be taking so many photographs. I just don't know if I'll be able to update and upload them at all though. I will, however, be sending tons of pictures from my (shitty quality) camera phone, and updating a lot from there.

So make sure you're following me on my twitter account, which I'm sure you already know, if you're reading this blog even.
And follow me on

I'll be getting back from Florida on the 22nd. I'm gonna be missing my vvvittle Belle so, so much! It's gonna be so horrible being away from her so long! I've never been away from her that long. :( I'll be so upset. So, that's the only part I'm not excited about.

I lovelovelovelove when the plane takes off. It's my favorite. If it's aloud, I'm taking tons of pictures of the plane, and outside the windows. As secretly as possible though. :)

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