So maybe, my hip surgery story may not be any interest to you, but if by any chance you care and want to know about it; then continue reading..
This all happened when I was just ten years old, in fifth grade. The first thing I can remember was in school, I was trying to run around the gymnasium for gym class. But all I was doing was limping the whole time. Of course kids being kids, we were all a bit competitive. I never was nor did I care about any of it. So, the other classmates were yelling at me to run faster. But I honestly, physically was not able to run any faster than I was! All I ever did after that, was limp. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't think too seriously about it.
So finally my mom took the initiative to bring me to the hospital, and see what was wrong. It's all a bit of a blur. But they ended up saying we had to go see a different doctor all the way in Massachusetts. I have no idea how many days later we went, but we drove, three hours to this appointment. It took like two hours just to wait for the doctor - because he was running very late, apparently. He ended up saying what was wrong, I had SCFE (Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis) He explained it with a lot of details. I was young, and had no idea what he was saying. I couldn't comprehend it. But I looked over at my mom - and she was crying hysterically. I knew something was very wrong, once I saw that.
The night before the surgery, I couldn't eat anything. I don't think I could drink anything either, but I don't know. My mom and I slept in the living room on the pull out bed. I was really nervous the whole night, just cuddling in her arms.
I had to go to the emergency room, for some reason. To have it done immediately, I guess. I remember the nurses were so nice - they got me a lot of blankets because I was so cold. I had to wear a hospital gown, which I was very uncomfortable doing. When it was time to go in, and say bye to my mom, I remember them pulling me away and I was looking back at her smiling. I wasn't nervous at all - while we were there. And my mom was crying, trying to smile. Hahaa.
So we finally got into the surgery room, they lifted my body up onto this really cold metal bed thing. I was freezing!! It was time for them to put the sleeping gas mask on me, I absolutely hated it! I remember looking up, the doctor put it on. I was saying things - and I lifted my hand then took it off. And the doctor was like "No! You have to keep that on!". So he put it back on - I was still fighting it a bit. Then I suddenly just passed out. It tasted like nail polish remover, dead serious. Most horrible smelling thing ever!!
When I woke up, I was in a different room. There was curtains on my sides. There was other people in there too, that just got done with their surgery's. A nurse noticed I was awake and asked me if I wanted my mom. Of course I said "Yes!". So my mom came in, and she was just visiting. I fell asleep a lot. Then my grandma came in. They could only come in one at a time. And I just kept falling asleep, while they were visiting.
I remember having to stay the night there - my mom stayed the night with me. I met this girl who was 16 years old, she stayed in the same room as me. Her name was Crystal. My mom helped her out a bit because her IV got tangled up in her clothes. I liked that girl. She was 1 year older than my sister at the time.
I had to take these very short little lessons, on how to walk with crutches. Not only did I have to use crutches - but I had to use a wheelchair too! So embarrassing. But I liked the wheelchair most of the time, because I didn't slip, and I was able to roll around fast. Haha - it was really fun.
When I finally went back to school, I hit the kid who yelled at me (to run faster, in gym) with one of my crutches. He never knew what it was for. But I sure did! I wheeled down the hallway once, I was a happy kid, I was doing the YMCA. I had wheeled myself fast - so I didn't need my hands, I used them for the YMCA dance. hahaha. Then my teacher yelled at me. When we got back to the class she took a slip away. (We had slips, they were like warnings. If you got to red, you got sent to the office. There was only four slips.) I was pissed about that, because I was only being a good kid, being happy, after my surgery. And she was being a strict bitch.
Having my surgery done - led me to being out of school for a week or two. Part of the reason my education is so fucked up is because of that surgery. My teacher was refusing to help me with work, I was so behind and confused. And basically what she was saying to me, was that she didn't want to waste her time on me when there is other kids who need help, who are actually caught up with everything. I still to this day, will never understand why a teacher would do that. We should have reported the stupid bitch!
But also, kids would bully me. It was horrible. I wasn't learning anything at all ('cause of our teacher). I mean, it's her responsibility to teach every single kid. Regardless of the amount. She took on that duty to do so. If she didn't want to teach - then she shouldn't have became a teacher. 25 kids isn't much compared to other classes.. You know??
What else is a mother to do, when all of that is happening to their child. And seeing their child come off the bus every day crying. Being bullied, not learning anything, crying coming home from school. It's what I did on a daily basis, during the school week.
This has nothing to do with the surgery, but it actually does in ways. Public schools are totally fucked up. I absolutely hate them. I'm not saying homeschooling is the way to go, at all. Because, if I have a child some day - I will never let them be home schooled. I wont put them through all the shit I'm going through now. Homeschooling fucked up my life. But I absolutely will put them in a private school!
Private school, that's where I went after public school. Because my education was horrible at the public school. I wasn't learning shit. I went to a christian private school. It had a total of 9 kids, including myself. It was in the basement of a church. I was the youngest kid. The ages were 10 - 18. It was weird. But I got used to it. I had to use my crutches there and my wheelchair for a short amount of time. At that point, my hip was almost healed completely. That private school was the best thing that happened to me. I was learning SO much! It was amazing.
I had never learned that well in my life. But my luck, the school ended up having to shut down in the middle of 6th grade (for me). And that led to me being home schooled. I wish that private school never shut down. I would be so different. I would be really smart. But instead, my education is pretty much - horrible. And I can't tell you how much it sucks!
Anyways, back to the surgery. I had like 6 small stitches. I still have the scar on my leg. I feel it sometimes - it's not that big. But it's pretty big and a little deep. I went back - supposed to be having another surgery to take the pin back out. But when I did go back, they saw that too much bone grew over it!! So, yeah, now I have this screw pin just chillin' in my hip for the rest of my life.
Awesome story, eh??

This all happened when I was just ten years old, in fifth grade. The first thing I can remember was in school, I was trying to run around the gymnasium for gym class. But all I was doing was limping the whole time. Of course kids being kids, we were all a bit competitive. I never was nor did I care about any of it. So, the other classmates were yelling at me to run faster. But I honestly, physically was not able to run any faster than I was! All I ever did after that, was limp. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't think too seriously about it.
So finally my mom took the initiative to bring me to the hospital, and see what was wrong. It's all a bit of a blur. But they ended up saying we had to go see a different doctor all the way in Massachusetts. I have no idea how many days later we went, but we drove, three hours to this appointment. It took like two hours just to wait for the doctor - because he was running very late, apparently. He ended up saying what was wrong, I had SCFE (Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis) He explained it with a lot of details. I was young, and had no idea what he was saying. I couldn't comprehend it. But I looked over at my mom - and she was crying hysterically. I knew something was very wrong, once I saw that.
The night before the surgery, I couldn't eat anything. I don't think I could drink anything either, but I don't know. My mom and I slept in the living room on the pull out bed. I was really nervous the whole night, just cuddling in her arms.
I had to go to the emergency room, for some reason. To have it done immediately, I guess. I remember the nurses were so nice - they got me a lot of blankets because I was so cold. I had to wear a hospital gown, which I was very uncomfortable doing. When it was time to go in, and say bye to my mom, I remember them pulling me away and I was looking back at her smiling. I wasn't nervous at all - while we were there. And my mom was crying, trying to smile. Hahaa.
So we finally got into the surgery room, they lifted my body up onto this really cold metal bed thing. I was freezing!! It was time for them to put the sleeping gas mask on me, I absolutely hated it! I remember looking up, the doctor put it on. I was saying things - and I lifted my hand then took it off. And the doctor was like "No! You have to keep that on!". So he put it back on - I was still fighting it a bit. Then I suddenly just passed out. It tasted like nail polish remover, dead serious. Most horrible smelling thing ever!!
When I woke up, I was in a different room. There was curtains on my sides. There was other people in there too, that just got done with their surgery's. A nurse noticed I was awake and asked me if I wanted my mom. Of course I said "Yes!". So my mom came in, and she was just visiting. I fell asleep a lot. Then my grandma came in. They could only come in one at a time. And I just kept falling asleep, while they were visiting.
I remember having to stay the night there - my mom stayed the night with me. I met this girl who was 16 years old, she stayed in the same room as me. Her name was Crystal. My mom helped her out a bit because her IV got tangled up in her clothes. I liked that girl. She was 1 year older than my sister at the time.
I had to take these very short little lessons, on how to walk with crutches. Not only did I have to use crutches - but I had to use a wheelchair too! So embarrassing. But I liked the wheelchair most of the time, because I didn't slip, and I was able to roll around fast. Haha - it was really fun.
When I finally went back to school, I hit the kid who yelled at me (to run faster, in gym) with one of my crutches. He never knew what it was for. But I sure did! I wheeled down the hallway once, I was a happy kid, I was doing the YMCA. I had wheeled myself fast - so I didn't need my hands, I used them for the YMCA dance. hahaha. Then my teacher yelled at me. When we got back to the class she took a slip away. (We had slips, they were like warnings. If you got to red, you got sent to the office. There was only four slips.) I was pissed about that, because I was only being a good kid, being happy, after my surgery. And she was being a strict bitch.
Having my surgery done - led me to being out of school for a week or two. Part of the reason my education is so fucked up is because of that surgery. My teacher was refusing to help me with work, I was so behind and confused. And basically what she was saying to me, was that she didn't want to waste her time on me when there is other kids who need help, who are actually caught up with everything. I still to this day, will never understand why a teacher would do that. We should have reported the stupid bitch!
But also, kids would bully me. It was horrible. I wasn't learning anything at all ('cause of our teacher). I mean, it's her responsibility to teach every single kid. Regardless of the amount. She took on that duty to do so. If she didn't want to teach - then she shouldn't have became a teacher. 25 kids isn't much compared to other classes.. You know??
What else is a mother to do, when all of that is happening to their child. And seeing their child come off the bus every day crying. Being bullied, not learning anything, crying coming home from school. It's what I did on a daily basis, during the school week.
This has nothing to do with the surgery, but it actually does in ways. Public schools are totally fucked up. I absolutely hate them. I'm not saying homeschooling is the way to go, at all. Because, if I have a child some day - I will never let them be home schooled. I wont put them through all the shit I'm going through now. Homeschooling fucked up my life. But I absolutely will put them in a private school!
Private school, that's where I went after public school. Because my education was horrible at the public school. I wasn't learning shit. I went to a christian private school. It had a total of 9 kids, including myself. It was in the basement of a church. I was the youngest kid. The ages were 10 - 18. It was weird. But I got used to it. I had to use my crutches there and my wheelchair for a short amount of time. At that point, my hip was almost healed completely. That private school was the best thing that happened to me. I was learning SO much! It was amazing.
I had never learned that well in my life. But my luck, the school ended up having to shut down in the middle of 6th grade (for me). And that led to me being home schooled. I wish that private school never shut down. I would be so different. I would be really smart. But instead, my education is pretty much - horrible. And I can't tell you how much it sucks!
Anyways, back to the surgery. I had like 6 small stitches. I still have the scar on my leg. I feel it sometimes - it's not that big. But it's pretty big and a little deep. I went back - supposed to be having another surgery to take the pin back out. But when I did go back, they saw that too much bone grew over it!! So, yeah, now I have this screw pin just chillin' in my hip for the rest of my life.
Awesome story, eh??
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