This isn't a "how to" but more of an idea to you all and some crafty inspiration I guess - I know I'm always looking around for some inspiration. :)
I put on a bunch of red lipstick and made kiss marks all over the glass bottle. I know that may seem weird but I really like it. A lot of girly-girls (which isn't me) really like kiss marks. I for some reason really think they're elegant or classy kind of. Because I think of the early 1900's or woman from the 40's or so, wearing red lipstick. Marilyn Monroe comes to my mind, and she is a huge idol of mine.
So that's my reason of liking it. Some people see them as "slutty" and think of prostitutes. hahaha.
But if you're one of those people that like them, here's a great idea :)
I couldn't make perfect marks, so I just of just made them all extremely different.
And since I have this bottle up for decoration - I'm going to just put some dried flowers in it. Sort of like a vase, you know? It'll look really good.
I hope you all like it. The "kissy mark lovers". Hahahha.
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