But June 6th, 12:51AM my baby niece Madison Lynn was born! Weighing 7 lbs 3 oz.
She is honestly the most beautiful baby I've ever seen! She is so amazing.
I feel like my sister & RJ and the whole family is just so blessed to have this little girl in our lives!
She truly is a miracle! We all know she was talking to Grandpa before she made her big debut!
And now that we're on that subject :(
My sister and I's grandfather passed away on May 12th. It's been for far a month.
But the day it happened, to find that out, I was so upset! The reason why I was crying hysterically is unknown. Because I wasn't close to him at all - I only saw him a few times when I was four then again, last summer ('08). But for some reason it really struck a chord.
I feel uncomfortable letting others know this, but I feel like it should be said.
The night before as I was going to sleep, I was praying, I never pray. But for some odd reason I was praying - specifically for him. I told God, to please keep him healthy and make sure he is okay. And a lot of other things.
Then I went to sleep, feeling okay with everything. I woke up, was playing with my dog Rosco (he get's excited when I greet him in the morning) and my mom said my Father gave a call this morning (only 45 minutes before I had woke up) and automatically looking at my moms facial expression - I knew. And starting crying and ran into my bedroom.
I don't know why it hit me so bad. Maybe because I had prayed for him. Hoping he was going to make it through this, and that he was going to fight this cancer. But.. to wake up and find out like that, is just something so emotionally, powerfully weird.
I had found out that not only did he pass away, but they took him off of everything gave him something and he was told that 17 hours later is when he would pass away.
None of our Chicago family had called to tell us their decisions before hand - no, we got a phone call after. I'm still really upset over that fact too.
Just a bad thing I went through, I cried for a week. I prayed constantly. The day of this, the sky was the most beautifulest I had ever seen it. It looked like the gates of Heaven were opening. I knew it was a sign that everything was going to be okay. That gave me so much comfort.
And when Madison came, that's why it was such a blessing. Because we knew Grandpa got to meet her while he was in Heaven and we knew that they had a little conversation.
In an odd way, you know?
It's just something I had to get off my chest, I'm glad I could share that with you.
Just know this, say. what. you. need. to. say. I know this, I know to do this. But for some reason I thought he was invincible! I thought that his cancer was something he'd be able to survive through. So I never felt the need to proof read or send the letter - one that I wrote him when I first found out about this all. Please, say what you need to say before it's too late.
On an extreme lighter note:
I cut my bangs yesterday, took me three hours to "perfect" it. Because I can't do a simple task without me taking forever or trying to perfect it. I swear I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
I ended up making it a bit TOO short, or too short for me anyways. I swore to myself I'd never go back to short bangs - I had them all throughout my child hood and it just was no good.
Anyhow, I made my bangs look good after all, even with the bad outcome of it. So I'm happy about that. And you know what? I like them surprisingly, I'm a little bit off the edge about them, but they will grow on me after time. It's something new, and I need new in my life.
Something different, unique and creative. I feel really good about it. It's a big change. Weird, huh? Haha.
Here's a picture (not a good one of me, but good one of my hair)
Here's some pictures of my precious, amazing, beautiful baby niece - Madison. <3
I LOVE THIS ONE! I took it of her, she's so precious!
If you could see her in person you'd see how so much more beautiful she is! Ah, can't get over it!
So the day Madison was born, my dad and half brother drove 14 hours to come see everyone and his new grandchild! :) And I hadn't seen my dad since August '08. So it was nice.
And I changed a lot and am more outgoing, so it was so nice to see him instead of waiting 'til god only knows when. Summer 08' was the first time I saw him or any of my family out there since I was 4 by the way. So pretty big deal.
Lmao, I look so awkwardly stupid in this picture! I didn't know what to do with my arms. Haha what should I have done with them anyways? I didn't wanna lift both of them up and look like a goddamn crow! Thank god I didn't! Lol. I look weird anyways, not too photogenic - as you can tell. But it was a nice short visit.
Right after this they ended up leaving to go BACK home. To drive 14 hours just to go back again.
They only stayed for about an hour. I know.. An hour. Isn't that INSANE?! I think so.
I wish they would have stayed, because I really missed them and wanted to visit longer.
So these are my updates, sorry I've been lacking on the posts. Just very busy and I forget.
I will be posting a lot more, and mostly of some DIY's. :)
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