Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Belle!

Yayy. Today is my kittie's birthday! I'm so happy. Well, not really technically her actual "birthday" but I've had her for a year officially. I can't believe it. It feels like I've had her my whole life. I love her so much.
I know most of you probably think I'm crazy, weird or obsessed with her. But seriously, she is my baby! Her and I have such a mother and daughter bond. It's as if I actually had a baby. Haha. I love her that much. She's my everything.
I was so miserable before, and just looking at my little kitty brightens my entire day up. She's what puts me in a good mood when I'm mad at the world or myself. I love her so much!
I wish I knew how old she actually was. But I don't :/ All I know is, in March of '08 is when she got brought to the shelter. And "She was really young when she had her own kittens". No, I've never even seen her kittens before, or know where they are now. But I'm really upset she's not reunited with them. How horrible to be giving birth to kittens then never seeing them again? That's how most cats in the world work. But I just can't stand to see related animals separated from each other. Saddest thing ever I think. Anyways, she was in the shelter for 8 long months.
Until I decided to adopt her. I had gone to the shelter a few times (still do) and had seen her a lot, but I didn't actually notice her or take an interest to her until November of '08. I was playing with all the cats, and for some reason I just had my eyes on her. She was such a loving little kitty. She was rubbing against me, and the second she crawled into my lap, curled up into a ball and slept there was when she stole my heart.
Hahahhaha. I know. I sound pathetic. But it was the SWEETEST thing ever!! And I had explained to my mom how much I really loved this cat and how I wanted to rescue her and take her home.
Of course, us, we as it is have way too many animals, even more now. So my mom was saying no and we knew my step dad would say no too, like he always does to 'new animals'. So like a week or two went by.
And we went back and visited. Then I think about 2 days later, I called my mom while she was visiting at the shelter ('Cause she's good friends with the owner and volunteers there sometimes) and she sounded like she was up to something.
She had been talking to my step dad over the phone, talking him into it, convincing him to let her get Belle for me. But I didn't know that at the time. aha.
So, finally as she was pulling into the driveway. I for some reason was in the laundry room waiting to greet her. (aha idk whyyyy.)
I saw her walk over to the passenger side of the car and then I saw her take a cat carrier out of the car. And I started screaming and getting all excited. I ran out there and I was the happiest person in the world.
That was the best surprise I've ever had in my life. I never knew she was going to do that. And even then, she told me not to get my hopes up. Because we didn't know how Belle was going to get along with the other animals or anything. We didn't know her personality, or if she was sick or had any kinds of diseases.

Okay, pause.. might I add that this is a really fucking long story? Haha. I'm not even going to want to proof read it. Ahhhh! But why stop now? I'll continue. Please keep reading, if you are even this far...

So the first night, I was a little nervous. As I was sleeping, everytime I woke up to turn over Belle would be right by my side, she would meow and be all lovey dovey, rubbing against me. It was because she obviously wasn't used to being with someone at nights or with someone who babied or loved her.. so it took her some time to get used to. She kept me up the bit of the night.
But it's alright. 'Cause we all know I would do anything for her..
Oh dearrrrr, this is too long. Well, long story short. We brought her to the vets. And she had a little cold, but it eventually passed and she also had worms in her poop. That also passed.

So yep. It's been a year now. And I am the happiest ever because of her. I cannot say it enough, how animals in shelters are actually the most amazing pets. You might not think so. But they really are. All animals are. Except, you don't need to be supporting puppy mills or mall animals shops, it's completely absurd. It's not natural and what those poor animals go through is HELL. Don't support them. These people breeding animals need to learn a lesson. Anyways, my sister used to work at a mall pet store, and they treated the animals so awful. The animals (mainly dogs) would die because they needed medications, because they were sick. And I remember my sister really loved this one dog and wanted it so bad, but of course, it was too expensive. And it eventually ended up dying due to not getting the medications it needed to survive. Because the poor thing was sick. So fucked up.

Anywho, I'm just rambling now. I hope you enjoyed it, ahha. I honestly felt the need to share it, but who's going to actually read this? Way too long. I know.

I love my precious little baby though. I couldn't have ever asked for a better kitty. Honest to God. Loooove love love my sweet pea <3

Saturday, November 7, 2009

R.I.P. laptop.

So, my laptop is finally dead. REEEEEST IN PEACE. I'm very, very mad about it. It had a crack in the hinge, and ever since it's slowly gottin worse. I don't even know how that crack got there, but it did. And I took really good care of it, hoping to prevent further damage. But, nope. It just deteriorated right before my very own eyes. I can't even shut it or anything, that's how fucked up it is. And to get it fixed, Best Buy said they'd have to replace the entire screen, and that it would cost around $300 to $400 dollars. Screw that.
I'm better off buying a brand new computer. And the thing about having a computer, it's gonna suck. It's super nice and all. (I don't even have the money for this.) But I like being able to move and have my laptop, 'cause I like bringing it with me places. I love that freedom feeling with it.
Now when I go to Florida in January, I'm going to be laptop-less. And you know what? It's going to really fucking suck. 'Cause, that was going to give me something to do, and helllllllo, music! I need music!!!
I do have an iPod. But it's three years almost four years old, and the battery absolutely sucks. It'll last for 2 minutes, if that, without it being on the charger. And I've never replaced it, because of course, everything has to cost a shitload of money on this earth. I hate it. I think it's $80 to replace the battery for that. I'm better off burning cd's and purchasing a ghetto c.d. player. aha, even though I hate those.

Annnnnyways, back to my horrendous laptop. Now, you see, I was okay with the broken hinge, I was going to use it even if it was broken, because it was still useable. But then my battery charger started fucking with me, it started un charging for no reason, even while the cord was plugged in. Something to do with the inside of the laptop, there was wires showing and shit from the hinge being broken, so I'm positive that's why that started fucking up. And I was also okay with that, but as days went by, it only got extremely worse.
And early lastnight is when it decided to stop charging, completely. So, my laptop could be used. Except it's dead. That's the only problem that I'm concerned about, and not even my moms laptop charger cord will work in it. It worked two times, then that suddenly stopped working as well.
Why is shit built so damn shitty? I am so pissed over this. It seems everything I've ever purchased from Best Buy, always, always, always, always, falls apart. Everything.
Not even lying. Is this happening to anyone else? 'Cause it seems like this shit is always, constantly happening to myself and my family. Ridiculous bullshit.

So, now I've got to spend my savings (that I was saving for a car, some day) on a new computer. When lately, all along, I was planning on investing in a new, advanced camera. And now I'm pretty sure I wont even be able to afford it. I am so fuckign annoyed.
And I'm sure I'm annoying who ever will be reading this. I'm just venting and sharing how fucked up electronics are. I can't live without a computer though, I know. That's sad. But it's eveeerything.
99% of me needing a computer anyways, is because that 99% is for my education. I'm going to be a retarded adult (excuse me, I hate using that word) the rest of my life, because I can't even finish my education myself.......... if you knew my situation, you'd know what I mean. My education is in my hands now, unfortunatley.

Okay, I'm just rambling now. Really pointless, as you can tell. I just needed to vent.
Right now I'm on my mom's obnoxious laptop. But I'm atleast thankful she has one, 'cause I always go on her's whenever mine was a pile of shit.

I wanted to type about more random bullshit. But I guess I'll just end this post now. ahah. I'm sure no one even read this. Oh well. Bye. Have a nice day??

P.S. I have no spell check. Soooooooooooo, look at all my typo's?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween/November.

I know I'm two days late, but Happy Halloween.
I basically did a whole bunch of nothing. People had changed plans on me, so in the long run I wasn't able to go visit my grandma at all. (She was leaving the 1st, so everyone was visiting on Halloween to say goodbye. She's going to Florida for the entire winter.) So, I was really upset about that. But at least in January I get to go visit her there. That'll be fun :)
Anyways, I was thinking about dressing up as a black & white high fashion girl. I kinda felt like it was Lady Gaga inspired, but not really. ha. That didn't work out. So I tried on some other different outfits.
In the end, I ended up finding a button up white tank top of my mom's. Then I found my peasant type blouse, with the cute, Victorian, ruffly, long sleeves. And I put on my white, sort of knee length, skirt. It's really classy looking. It's adorable, I have no idea where I got it. I've had it forever though.
So I pulled my skirt up a little over my belly button, to make it look like a dress more, rather than a skirt and shirt. Well the outfit looked great, except my peasant blouse is a long v-neck with little wooden beads, and it just wasn't working. So, I remembered. 'Oh hey, I need a Victorian looking collar!' So I ran around looking for anything. And I ended up finding a medium length piece of fabric. It wasn't too big, but wasn't too small. I wrapped it around my neck, kind of like a tie. (I'm not sure how you tie a tie, ahha. But it seems like that was the way one would do it.)
Then I just ruffled it up a bit, and it worked out. I thought my outfit was pretty good, considering I had thrown it all together at the last minute. And I wasn't even, forcing myself to get a costume together. I just got bored and tired of finding hideous outfits and it somehow just all fell together.
It was really cute too :) My skirt was obviously too short for the actual Victorian era and how ladies wore their dresses. But oh well. I was going to put on tights, but I didn't have a decent pair. So, yep.

Here's a picture :)